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Wonder Night Cream 50 ml

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ZAR R242.00
Wonder Night Cream 50 ml
Wonder Night Cream 50 ml
Wonder Night Cream 50 ml
Wonder Night Cream 50 ml
Wonder Night Cream 50 ml
Wonder Night Cream 50 ml
Wonder Night Cream 50 ml
Wonder Night Cream 50 ml
Wonder Night Cream 50 ml
Wonder Night Cream 50 ml
Wonder Night Cream 50 ml
Wonder Night Cream 50 ml
Wonder Night Cream 50 ml
Wonder Night Cream 50 ml
Wonder Night Cream 50 ml
Wonder Night Cream 50 ml

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Wonder Night Cream 50 ml

ZAR R242.00
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Anti-wrinkle, ultra-hydrating & super nourishing Wonder Night Cream with all-natural ingredients packed in a double-walled container with a shive to keep your product protected from heat and prevent it from leaking.

Make your choice between Normal skin (Original formula & fragrance) and Ultra-sensitive skin (special formula and without any nut ingredients).

Only the best ingredients are good enough for this luxurious product.  No chemicals, parabens or other "bad bens"!

Women all-over South Africa just love the results they get after using this Wonder Night Cream!

How to use:  At night:  After cleansing your face with one of Et haKallah's face washes (e.g. the Healing Face Wash or the Face Touch soap) and toning with our Pure Rose Water Toner, gently massage your face with this luxurious night cream.  

Here are the ingredients which the bride uses to prepare in body, soul & spirit:

  • Myrrh 100% pure essential oil –  prophetically for dying to self, Myrrh has antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiseptic & astringent properties; this powerful anti-oxidant helps to reduce and even kill cancer cells in the skin; Myrrh oil provides strong antibacterial properties, but it also oxygenates your skin. The process helps increase your body's production of elastin and collagen, which naturally tighten skin. Thus Myrrh essential oil combats signs of aging, including fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Frankincense 100 % pure essential oil – used in the Tabernacle in all 3 parts: outer court, inner court and Holy of Holies, likewise we use it for healing in body, soul & spirit; also known for its antibacterial, antidepressant, antimicrobial, antiseptic, calmative & restorative properties, Frankincense is a super ingredient in any skin serum.
  • Bergamot 100 % pure essential oil –  this skin softening  oil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties;  thus an effective spot treatment for acne & painful cysts & pimples; DO NOT EXPOSE SKIN TO DIRECT SUNLIGHT – USE BEFORE BEDTIME
  • Sandalwood 100 % pure essential oil – has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and anti-proliferative properties; a promising treatment for acne and other skin problems like eczema, psoriasis, warts, etc.; the perfect anti-ageing treatment for your skin. Sandalwood also shows anti-cancer properties according to lab tests* 
  • Neroli 100 % pure essential oil – this rejuvenating oil helps regenerate skin cells to promote a smooth, healthy skin; it also has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory & antiseptic properties. Neroli Essential Oil intensely moisturises the skin, is rich in antioxidants, combats free radicals and can soothe acne-induced inflammation and redness.  Being a hydration powerhouse, it has an incredible ability to soften, replenish and lock in moisture. 
  • Unrefined raw Shea butter –  natural anti-oxidant; packed with vitamins, minerals, proteins & essential fatty acids; reduces ageing signs; reduces stretch marks; heals skin rashes, etc.
  • Jojoba oil –  this fine nourishing oil promotes softer & healthier skin; this perfect skin moisturizer will also help to soothe a pimple break-out.
  • Rosehip oil – packed with beauty essentials like anti-inflammatory fatty acids and vitamins A and C, Rosehip oil treats signs of ageing and pigmentation, hydrates skin and repairs damaged skin, and provides a strong protective antioxidant boost.  Rosehip oil is also high in vitamin E and  promotes collagen and elastin levels to increase and assists with cell regeneration. 
  • Sweet Almond oil (not in Ultra-sensitive formule)– keeps your skin cells healthy, protects your skin from UV radiation damage, and helps your skin look smooth, soft, and free of fine lines. The fatty acids help your skin retain moisture and can heal chapped and irritated skin. Plus, the vitamin A can help reduce acne.
  • Grape Seed oil (only in Ultra-sensitive formula) - Ideal for the ultra-sensitive formula because it is lightweight, non-comedogenic, and rich in antioxidants that help soothe and protect delicate skin. Its natural anti-inflammatory properties support skin barrier repair, making it ideal for sensitive and reactive skin types.
  • Pomegranate seed oil – Nature’s serum for ageing skin; contains Omega 5; strong anti-inflammatory. This reviving oil reverses skin damage, while it minimize wrinkle activity. It stimulates collagen-producing cells which results in a more youthful appearance. It also boasts blood supply; combats sun damage and helps fight skin cancer.
  • Jasmine oil (only in ultra-sensitive) – acts as an effective antibacterial, soothing dry skin and eczema and increasing cell turnover to lighten the appearance of scars. Treating skin imbalances holistically, jasmine balances hormone levels and reduces stress levels.



  • Do NOT use in daytime, as the sun can have a negative effect on the Bergamot essential oil, causing skin damage.  If applying the cream at night, it will be totally safe.
  • Do NOT use if you are allergic to nuts.  Kindly let us know if you need a nut-free Night Cream.  We manufacture it on order.
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3 thoughts on “Wonder Night Cream 50 ml

  1. As enigiemand wonder hoe die room werklik werk, laat hulle my skakel. My man is ‘n ******* agent (produk wat slegs aan dokters verkoop word deur *****) dit word veral deur Plastiese Chirurge aanbeveel na operasies of prosedures. Dis rêrig ‘n wonderlike produk. Ek het ook al jare lank voorheen ******* gebruik & ook daardie soutsee produkte wat die Israeli’s verkoop. MAAR…. niks kom by hierdie goudpotjie van jou nie.

    Ek kan eerlik met skoon gewete sê my nekvelle het nog NOOIT so mooi geword soos met die nagroom nie. Vir eerste keer in jare is dit sonder d fyn krakies & diep gleuwe- waar plooie was is nou net sulke sigbare lyne. En ek glo dit gaan ook verdwyn. Ek is verstom & baie opgewonde oor die dagroom & daai scrub!
    & die GEUR van hierdie room is net AMAZING! My man LOVE dit. Ek gebruik nie eens meer parfuum saans voor ek in die bed klim nie.
    Baie rome stink. Maar hierdie is Rerig UIT DIE HEMEL!
    Die geur van die room is so oorweldigend dat ek beleef dit moet healing properties bevat.
    Die geur laat my dink aan die ware Bruid v Yeshua. Dat haar geur so uncompromising is. Not settling for anything but the best 🙂

    1. Dankie Corné! (Hier is Corné se selnr – sy het gesê enigiemand kan haar skakel om uit te vra oor die nagroom – 082 495 8142)
      Mag hierdie rome elkeen so seën dat sy net nader aan haar Bruidegom sal kom…

  2. Baie dankie vir jou wonderlike produkte. My sussie het my van jou vertel en ek is so bly daaroor. My vel voel wonderlik en ek kry soveel komplimente. Baie baie dankie en baie seën vir jou bediening vir die bruid van Jesus (Yeshua).

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