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Click on image below to read more about our Wonder Day Cream.

Welcome to the world of all-natural organic skincare! I believe that you already understand how important it is to cut out all the harmful ingredients in our everyday skincare routine – that is why you clicked to come to my website, right? So I hope that you will not be disappointed, and rather be more excited than ever to start using (or continue using!) eco-friendly, skin-friendly and more important health-friendly (is there such a word?) products for the whole family! 🙂

The reason why I started producing these products is not only for abovementioned reasons – it is also to remind you, as the Bride, to prepare in body, soul and spirit for the coming of your Bridegroom. 🙂
Read my story below to dive into my world, or just go to my Store to see what you can order for you and your loved ones. Every product is made by hand, with love, fresh every week!!! If you see something that is out of stock, and you need it, please send me an email to remind me to produce a fresh batch of that product!! 🙂
Here is My Story..
I am just an ordinary woman, who loves my heavenly Bridegroom (Yeshua, as I got to know Him), my husband, my children and grandchildren (2 gorgeous little toddlers ;-)). While trying to balance work, family, ministry and relationships dear to me, I also like to keep a healthy lifestyle and stay attractive to my husband through a fair beauty routine… 🙂

About a year ago (this is now Aug 2019), we as a family and cell group, got connected to the wonderful world of essential oils… First through Lillah Ann’ointing Oils (a powerful ministry in South Africa through which we went through an amazing time of trading our shortcomings in the spirit for His perfect properties via the blood of our Messiah Yeshua). A whole new world opened up for us and we enjoyed the journey a lot!
Out of this flowed the next step: to start using the oils not only for spiritual goals, but also to discover the physical properties and applications of these oils for our bodies. Abba taught us a lot and we started to experiment by using it instead of pharmaceutical medicine. We did not know much at the time, but we took baby steps. Soon we experienced a lot of awesome results!
In all of this, I started to experiment by making my own facial cream, hand wash, shampoo, etc. by throwing out all chemical products which contain bad stuff like paraben and all the other “bad bens”… and ordered a lot of raw, organic, all natural products from all over South Africa. That time was full of comical moments, especially with the hair trials.. 🙂
While busy experimenting with everything, and doing research on everything, I successfully started to make a night cream for my own always-dry-and-weary skin which I started to love using, because my skin started to come alive again!! I always filled a few 30 ml pots of cream, and before I could use all of it, I gave them away to dear friends and family.
Soon my friends & family started to ask me to please make them another pot of cream, but this time they wanted to pay for it… Since then, I have fine-tuned my recipe and it was only after I met Daniel & Orrianne from Ancient Biblical Oils that I was sure that my recipe was from my Abba Father. I learnt from them how precious the ancient biblical oils are, especially Myrrh and Frankincense. I believe that is why those two ingredients are my most precious and important ingredients and no cream that leaves my house will be without those two… Please refer to the Wonder Night Cream page to read about why they are so important for the end-time bride, as well as for your skin!

So eventually, after a lot of testing and in the end, a lot of compliments of a smoother, healthier, younger-looking skin later, I believe I have the perfect recipe! No chemicals, all natural, healthy ingredients, that will only nourish, uplift & hydrate your skin. Only the best, raw ingredients are used. 🙂
Karien – Aug 2019
Go to my Online store now.

Why the name Et haKallah?
HaKallah (הכלה) is the Hebrew for “the bride”. The “et” in front of it represents the definite article in Hebrew. Thus, the bride… in this case, the Bride of the Messiah… The “et” (את) is written alef tav in Hebrew, thus points to our Messiah Yeshua, because the Alef is the first letter in the Hebrew alefbet, and the Tav is the last letter. People also know Him as the Alpha and Omega (in Greek). So “Et haKallah” firstly refers to the Bridegroom and then to the Bride… So, it is Him and I, in a loving relationship! 🙂

As I said in My Story, I was making the Wonder Night Cream for quite a few months before I started to sell it. In that time I was waiting upon Abba to release me to sell it, and nothing happened… I was sure that He would wake me up one night and reveal to me a name for this cream, and I would know… it’s time. I waited and waited. I tried names in my head, I wanted it to portray the Bride of Yeshua, preparing herself, but nothing sounded right…

And then, in August 2019, He used one of my Hebrew teachers, Adeline Askenazi, to give me the name. It instantly sounded right to me, and I knew! That was it! The name refers to Yeshua ( את ), as well as to the Bride (who is preparing herself…).
I made a few pots, created a logo, stickers, pamphlets, etc… A few dear friends and my husband laid their hands on them and prayed for this business/ministry. And then, I gave all those pots away as my First Fruits.
While we were praying that day, my beloved husband saw a vision about a very dry land where the ground is cracking of dry dirt (representing the bride of Yeshua, hunger for the Word and fresh oil from His Spirit) and floods of oil (my cream) started to flow from one side, and the dry ground was “drinking” it up… We believe it shows that, just as women will use these creams to prevent their skins from drying out, they will “drink in” the oil of the Spirit and the oil of the pure Word of God… We prayed for that too.
Please read here about the ingredients I use in the Wonder Night Cream.
Go to my Online store now.